PanPastel colours are genuine artists'quality pastels, uniquely packed in a pan format and available in a range of 80 colours. When used with Sofft tools, PanPastel colours can be easily lifted, applied and controlled, just like true painting. PanPastel colours are fully compatible with traditional pastel sticks, pastel surfaces, conventional fixatives and other artists'colours. The colours can be mixed and blended together. The colours are highly pigmented, have excellent lightfastness and are fully erasable. PanPastels are ideal for use in mixed media, and are also finding applications in such diverse areas as hand colouring photos, model trains, dolls and artificial flowers. Each pan contains 35 percent more material than the average pastel stick, and because they produce so little dust they are excellent value for money. The PanPastel website ( contains many useful hints and tips, videos and links to areas that will inspire creativity.