Monday 3rd June 2024 - Paper Garden Workshop with Marina - 10am-12pm

Monday 3rd June 2024 - Paper Garden Workshop with Marina - 10am-12pm

Paper Flourish Lessons

SKU: 25883

Take your flower making skills to the next level and learn the finer points of creating realistic 3D paper flowers. 
Marina will share her flower making knowledge with you, including the shaping tools, adhesives and colouring mediums, as well as paper pollen to add detail to stamens, and mini prills to embellish flower centres.
Suitable for: All levels including beginners
Need to bring:  A set of Bigshot or Spellbinders cutting plates, your basic tool kit including craft mat, liquid glue (art glitter glue, Aleene’s tacky glue or similar) flower shaping tool kit or various size stylus (2mm; 5mm and 8mm) and molding mat, reverse tweezers, detail tweezers, mini mister, small sharp scissors, a clean eraser, baby wipes, paper towels, distress inks in various shades of green and ink blending tools.  (All tools, inks, glues etc are available at Paper Flourish).